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As we age we may develop mobility or sensory issues, disabilities and illnesses that prevent us doing the things we had previously enjoyed. It may mean we are no longer able to drive and unable to visit old and memorable haunts.
The Evergreen Care Trust aims to offer a full range of services that will enable you to live the life that you have previously enjoyed and want to live. These include our Social engagement opportunities & Companionship :-
Friendship Together Group who meet twice weekly and have a great time making new friends, enjoying meaningful activities usually over nice refreshments.
How about Volunteering with Evergreen? there are lots of ways we could benefit from you lifetime experience and skills, we warmly welcome senior volunteers.
You might want to think about joining our Member's Committee which meets bi monthly at a lovely local venue where members are encouraged to collaborate with Evergreen management and discuss all things care, service, ideas, aspirations, and be an active contributor to the Evergreen organisation and charity.
Evergreen also partners with other local organisations like U3A (University of the Third Age) Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire, Dementia Support South Lincs. (DSSL) Church Social groups, Carers Support, Sitter Service, MindSpace, Rotary, Kiwanis, X Round Table and SAFFA to name but a few who offer opportunities for membership and or support.
Our Companionship service
is designed to help you continue to enjoy your hobbies, pastimes and interests; like book clubs, knitting, craft sessions, dance classes, golf, bowls, and perhaps help you discover some new interests too. Our trained Home Support and Wellbeing Warden staff are happy to accompany you to your favourite places or visits old friends and provide transport where possible, reassurance and support in enjoying your day out or having a fun day in.
For more information
Contact us today.