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More and more people are finding themselves carers for people they love facing the challenge of juggling everyday life with finding time to care and support their loved ones. It might be ordering medications, ensuring shopping and household tasks are being done, travelling to visit several times a week or daily, any number of care requirements that can leave you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and sometimes feeling guilty if you can’t quite juggle everything as well as you would like or just needing some much needed time for yourself or a holiday.
It may be that a loved one has a mental or physical disability for which they require your help. However, as their needs increase so does the time pressures and their dependence on you.
We recognise and understand these difficulties. We have professional staff who can offer to stay with your loved one while you take some time out for things you need and would like to do. This service is offered Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and is provided by our Home Support and Wellbeing Wardens. We can by arrangement, keep company with your loved one, take them on a little outing, or pop in to check that all is well and give you some much needed respite time. Our intent is to provide you with peace of mind while you take a few hours or holiday break. Time needed for respite can be negotiated with the Care Supervisor supporting you.
For more information please contact 01780 765900 and ask for the Care Supervisor.